Over the last couple of years as this selling of recycled wax business has been growing for us we have noticed a trend, Apiaries LOVE us. That’s right. Apiaries. (Trust me I had no idea what an apiary was until we started selling all this paraffin wax to them.)
a·pi·ar·y /ˈāpēˌerē/ (noun) plural noun: apiaries: a place where bees are kept; a collection of beehives.
Apiaries can have anywhere from 10 to hundreds of beehives. Beehives have woodware and are kept outdoors they are subject to the elements. Coating these boxes in wax help the beehive boxes last longer by protecting them from the elements.
What we have found is that most apiaries want to purchase non fragranced paraffin wax and they will mix it with gum rosin to get that perfect coat on their woodware. The wax replaces painting the woodware and also helps to remove the moisture from the wood and it is replaced with the wax. At 127 degree melt point our paraffin wax melts at just the right amount of heat without causing the woodware to burn or change colors.
When done right the wax will be absorbed or drawn right back into the wood replacing the moisture in the wood. Remember to use both the paraffin and rosin. If you only use the paraffin wax it will not adhere to the wood and the wood will become slick and slippery because it does not have the adhesion. Adding the rosin will add that adhesive property to the wax.
Wax coating will outlast a paintjob by 10 to 20 years and they will ofcourse be weather proof.